Saturday, May 21, 2011

Zhao benshan won high ratings on 4 August, and the Township decided then to Shoot these singles

Information: the 2011 small, convex to the pppd kermanv?risi? song zuying concert held in Taipei, May 8 in the evening. Zhao benshan (left) on the song zuying promotion. LU Mei Zhongguo perturbation
Zhao benshan the village produced love Symphony (love 4) with the "love village" most strong smells, not negative "rating of the ACE," sit in the full name of the program in the country, the Grand Champion debut yesterday love 4 Tianjin TV program won several 0,82% TV program is the Championship. Higher ratings than Shooting Township, benshan n expectations is not attractive, he decided to begin immediately the love 5, according to the United States Census Bureau, the village's Liu Da head shot, who played in the Play, mountain Media Director Liu Liu said the uncle, was begun in August in preparation for Zhao love 5.
It is clear that the Heung Yee Kuk, love the script outline had come to 5, with Liu Neng fetal hope Liu Ying Phoenix to get directly to the front of the buy back to Zhao Si high prices and various folk remedies and chemicals. Hello was the grandson of the future, and Xie Guangkun, Liu Neng formed United Front in that regard, even forming a rush on his grandson "death-by-side assemblies are being sought for the Sun", makes a lot of jokes. Liu Liu said, the rural love 5-play at this time is to be stepped up to write, "we will try to get a reference to the Multiple views of the public, TV and online, please enter the characters and story. Set up is that we are now in the same batch of people to invite. At that time, the Show transferred to Tianjin, also premiered on TV. ”
For online hot love 4 the day of the Heung Yee Kuk, Liu Liu said, as long as I like the audience love-series remain in full force and effect as, "does not mention, are the fifth, sixth, seventh Division, the Department is likely to continue. The show is popular due to their everyday life. We believe that as long as the daily life of people love to watch. ”
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