Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Shangri-La is the sixth song in the air transport of the La Hu Biao Hummer thieves repeatedly in distress

Jeffrey Chiang Ocean Network (Guangzhou daily by the reporter Lin Fang) directed at Ge Hu, starring Wang Zi Wei and similar solid fuels manufactured from coal, and other television dramas Shangri-la La landfall may 6 broadcast of CCTV in the evening in the document. Director Jeffrey Chiang said Ge Hu played the horse thief sturdy Valor, but in the past, the image of the idol broke, and he and Wang's like is called the "Tibetan version of Romeo and Juliet", a love story of the second period.

Shangri-La La narrated, Shangri-La n this mysterious land, to the growth of the nation, the hero of the story, Shangri-la-La for the first time in the play's historical and natural scenery on the screen, Reset the Tibetan, Naxi ethnic minorities such as custom properties. GE Hu played zhaxi is toe dirty thieves Biao Hummer. GE Hu, Star, Shangri-La, to a large extent, because this role has changed his image before the "I want to move this leikatulta, inside and outside the Ombudsman's role in the break of their own."

Staff showed that Ge Hu danger many times during the Shooting of a race Play Ge Hu was heavily and fell off the pommel horse, came from behind at that time and the horses, the situation is very dangerous, Hu songs withstood against the runway, only barely escape the pain for the robbery.

View the original article here

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