Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Kevin Tsai Chi-Lin in the analysis category close friends Ling photo group to say a small s purkaukseen

Lin Chi-Ling in Beijing in the movie, Kevin Tsai is the analysis of the categories, "kang Xi lailing" characters.
According to the "News" for Taiwan, also announced today should be at the top of the mountain, a program that tigri is less than the capacity of the two beauties, a small s (Dee Hsu) has always been as Taiwan first model Lin Chi-Ling, such as a competitor. In recent years, Lin Chi-Ling in Beijing in the movie, Kevin Tsai has classes in hand, "kang Xi lailing" characters, play jokes on their programs, saying "Hong Kong is the analysis of Yasunaga, Ling-Ling Chi was."After the users have jokingly called, Kevin Tsai, "on, Darling," Lin Chi-Ling, a small s perhaps this time purkaukseen.
It was found that the small s always as the first model Lin Chi-Ling the competitor, such as in right to left, the show often curse the artificial life of days even acidic Lin Chi-Ling of the Golden Horse Awards in the previous chapter, and. Kevin Tsai recently to visit the Lin Chi-Ling, "Kang Xi took two lailing" near the top of the advertisement, to leave as well as photos reveal the happy smile, and said that "the campaign, which will help us in our hands to make a small box, Yasunaga, Hong is a Chi-Ling Ling was, the representative of the two words are not included in the photo."
Taiwan friends after seeing the words, such as the facilitator of the Emperor Kangxi also holding grievances, a small s without fear small s back and kill? More people are expected to see the play, said the estimated small s, when reading this micro-blogging, pay for the killer, and then the murder of Lin Chi-Ling.

View the original article here

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