Wednesday, May 4, 2011

College students the advantages and disadvantages of entrepreneurship

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??? 1, ignoring criteria-clean.
Drill problems simply challenge is ignored in the pursuit of solving strange criteria, and the questions of the keystrokes are ignored the General common law, the result will be deprived of the watermelon, Sesame.
The prevalence of early interdisciplinary cross-discipline knowledge, neglected the construction of the system. Some of the candidates on the effects of various factors, a comprehensive, integrated science or liberal arts major liberal arts comprehensive panic and worry, and the prevalence of early interdisciplinary boundaries, some of the candidates came three interdisciplinary cross-penetration of the topic.
Excessively enthusiastic social focus and focus problems, ignore the basic skills training and education. In the last few years a comprehensive integrated liberal arts, science, liberal arts questions on practical problems, question propositions of social focus is concentrated in the large and widespread problems in furtherance of a proposition. Since the time of the review to focus on the problems of social focus and focus on the solid basis of a comprehensive set of analysis, and basic skills training, ignoring the failure.
As a matter of fact, the existing basic data, 70% of the college entrance examination, this requires that we review the process of Foundation of the college entrance examination, only the strong, the Foundation is fixed, progressively to increase capacity.
??? 2, gradually, the systematization of knowledge.
Design thinking is often placed in horizontal connections to the entrance of the College of information and knowledge, as well as research subjects in the various types of data and a comprehensive set of skills. Review of the first round we must highlight the system performance and reliability. And the learned society of knowledge and understanding of the common BASIC APPROACH of the relationship of knowledge and transformation capacity for growth and flexibility in the application of knowledge for the benefit of the future, the only conclusion of the case.
??? 3, is not rigid, emancipate the mind, uskallus is not very good to develop ideas; rote, is focused on improving the thinking ability.
Some of the students were in the process of solving problems, often thinking of, but thinking in a single solution, the problem cannot be considered to be in a multi-level, various perspectives on the specific difficulties of the complex problem of generalized or complex issues simple. If the Note a variety of methods to manage the learning, read multiple problem to the solution of the problems in a number of ideas, often flexible education, then the solution to the problem of ascertaining the, of course, a more reasonable approach.
The college entrance examination notes make clear that the reduced memory, on the basis of growth ability in the topic, the questions on the topic of the type of application. The background of the questions has become history, which sacrificed speed, the best results in alttarille not in the time period. Pay attention to the ability of thinking in the importance of the review currently being cultivated on some policy-oriented topics, solving the Tilt.

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