Monday, April 25, 2011

Solar energy companies flock to Windsor

Solar energy companies help the Windsor economy of the region to diversify, the good news for an area of which is hit hard last downturn in the economy.

The Windsor region has historically put heavily on the auto industry for jobs, but as the economy varied plants closed, and the unemployment rate jumped. The area has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country.

Solar energy companies are now, help train to this scenario. About a dozen companies set up operations in the area, have said Naidu Rakesh, Director of local economic development corporation, and he is working with others to encourage to do the same.

Naidu, said that skilled workers are the location, climate, and one key factors.

"We should not forget that we right include another large market, so here is located in the United States, not only can you serve the Ontario market, but you can also the US market," he said.

"These companies go and can in a place where they can find talent, find people, production, Assembly and move products, and our region who locate."

One of the new solar companies is undefeated Sun, which produces solar panels. CEO Sean Moore lost his job at Ford three years ago. He said his new company does well with 25 employees he will double this summer.

While Mayor Eddie Francis pleased, that the economy is diversification is, he said, solar energy companies probably not be replace automotive base of the region.

He said "the auto industry still a very strong presence and footprint,".

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