Dozens of passengers encrypted, security after a bus fire in the westbound lanes of one of the busiest streets of Canada began interruption of good Friday, travel between Toronto and Montreal.
Refuge on a nearby Hill took to passengers is evacuated from the bus. (Photo courtesy of Tammy Quinn)
The bus burst into flames on Highway 401 near the town of Ontario Brockville shortly before 1 pm ET.
All 61 passengers escaped unharmed.
An ambulance and fire brigade came shortly after the fire was reported.
West lanes of the highway were closed was redirected for about an hour and transport, said the Ontario provincial police.
The bus from the moving scene, said the OPP.
The passengers refuge on a nearby Hill on the edge of the road, about a kilometre west of Maitland.
Preparations have to tow the damaged bus from the scene. Courtesy Tammy Switucha
John Crowley, a spokesman for coach Canada, said the driver tried in vain flame with an on board fire delete.
Sent pick it up different buses for passengers to get to their destinations.
The cause of the fire is not yet known.
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